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PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS – The public is requested to dial *9, when prompted by the presiding officer, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.
Meeting Place Online
- Call to Order Special Board Meeting
- Salute the Flag
- Introductions
- Consent Calendar: (The following items will be treated as one item and enacted with one vote unless a Board member or a stakeholder requests that an item be placed on the Discussion Calendar.)
- Approval of Minutes of previous Board meeting
- Receive and file the Treasurer’s Report and MER
- Motion to support the project as proposed at 9010 Bellanca. Under LAMC 12.17.6, LAMC 12.24 W.4, LAMC 12.27 applicant is requesting a Zone Variance to allow the use of Paint Booths on the premises at 9010 Bellanca, as there are a few parcels zoned residential within 500 ft. of the project site.
- Motion to support the project as proposed at 9020 Bellanca. In conjunction with 9010 Bellanca Ave. which PLUC approved the motion to support the project as proposed at the September 21st meeting. Under LAMC 12.17.6, LAMC 12.24 W.4, LAMC 12.27 applicant is requesting a Zone Variance to allow the use of Paint Booths on the premises as there are a few parcels zoned residential within 500 ft. of the project site. Project is on an approximately 12,192 sq. ft. lot and proposes 10,111 sq. ft. of shop floor and 2,081 sq. ft. of office space. Existing parking lot has 57 vehicle spaces (city requires 26) and 3 bicycle spaces ( city requires 2). Hours of operation Monday-‐Friday 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM. All repair activities will be conducted indoors and completely screened from public view.
- Motion to continue to support the Master Plan Amendment with the attached changes, updates and additions. LMU seeks to amend their Master Plan that would allow for the relocation of their already approved square footage among three use categories on campus: Academic/Administrative, Residential and Athletic indoors. This would allow LMU to keep Gersten Pavilion in use for training practices, recovery stations, coaches offices and other ancillary athletic uses after construction of the new Arena. The revised amendment reduces the amount of approved square footage LMU could transfer from one category to another. At the February 2, 2021 the Board approved the Amendment with Conditions. LMU recently sent the Neighborhood Council their submission to the city that included many of the conditions set forth by the Neighborhood Council.
- Motion to Request for Revision of Proposed Amendments to DONE Code of Conduct. This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and passage as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/request-for-revision-of-proposed-amendments-to-done-code-of-conduct/
- Motion to call on the Los Angeles City Council and Mayor Eric Garcetti to direct the Los Angeles Police Department and other relevant law enforcement agencies to enforce all existing, enforceable laws prohibiting the sale and distribution of illegal drugs, human trafficking, and other serious crimes taking place in or near homeless encampments on the Westside of Los Angeles. This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and adoption as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/enforcement-of-crimes-in-or-near-homeless-encampments/
- Motion to call on the Los Angeles City Council and Mayor Eric Garcetti to immediately direct the Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation (“LA Sanitation”) to undertake site clean-ups, trash collection, and sanitizing of all homeless encampments located in the neighborhoods represented by WRAC on the Westside of Los Angeles, in order to abate, correct, and remove hazardous, unsafe, unhealthy, and unsanitary conditions at all homeless encampments forthwith. This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and adoption as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/abate-and-correct-unsafe-and-unhealthy-conditions-in-homeless-encampments/
- Motion to call on the Los Angeles City Council and Mayor Eric Garcetti to direct the Los Angeles Police Department and the Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Engineering Street Services Division, as well as the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and the Department of Veterans Affairs to direct the Veterans Affairs Police Department and other relevant law enforcement agencies to enforce all existing, enforceable laws prohibiting the blockage of the public right of way on the Westside of Los Angeles, including all applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and adoption as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/enforce-laws-prohibiting-blockage-of-public-right-of-way/
- Motion to requests that the City, represented by our Council District, PLUM, the City Council, in coordination with the Departments of Planning and Building and Safety: —-define what constitutes a Cloud/ghost kitchen, including possible different categories of such operations based upon numbers of kitchens and/or square footage involved, —-identify criteria for the evaluation of their applications for buildout and permitting, including a process to evaluate potential impacts on their surroundings (noise, odor, traffic and requirements pertaining to factors, —-assess needed infrastructure (adequacy of electric service to area), parking and/or loading zones, this needed clarification will remove uncertainties as and contribute to the establishment of successful enterprises by creating the structure needed to guide the city’s review and decision-making process. This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and adoption as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/request-for-clarification-regarding-ghost-kitchens/
- Motion to support Council File 21-0929 (Buscaino/Koretz), the proposed resolution for the City Council to prohibit sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal property, in or upon any street, sidewalk, or other public rights-of-way within a radius of 500 feet from all schools listed in Attachment A to the Council File; and further, upon adoption of the resolution, for the City Council to direct the Department of Transportation to post signs giving notice of the restrictions in the radius specified. We also requests that the definition of “radius” be clarified to specify a radius of 500 feet from the exterior boundary lines of the schools listed in Attachment A to the Council File. This is a WRAC Motion for our consideration and adoption as our own. All background information can be found here: https://westsidecouncils.com/motion/support-for-cf-21-0929-buscaino-koretz/
- Motion to approve the creation of an Ad-Hoc Homeless Committee. Members to be: Chip Mallek, Theresa Torrance, John Logsdon, Julie Ross, Jennifer Kingshott and Paula Gerez.
- Motion to approve the creation of an Ad-Hoc Redistricting Committee. Members to be: Dennis Miller, Faneeza Mohamed, Paula Gerez and Community Member Treva Miller.
- Motion to approve the removal of Jana Koppula from the Outreach Committee and re-assign her to the Education Committee.
- Motion to approve the removal of Fred Puza from the Outreach Committee and re-assign him to the Education Committee.
- Motion to approve the addition of Jennifer Kingshott to the Public Safety Committee.
- Announcements from Governmental Representative (limit to 3 minutes please)
- Discussion Calendar and related Public comment
- Discussion and possible motion regarding asking LAWA to share the two proposals for LAX Northside and to engage the public in a discussion about which option to select.
- Discussion and possible motion regarding Redistricting.
- Discussion and possible motion regarding Committee assignments.
- Discussion of NCWP Calendar
- Discussion and possible motion regarding LMU Community Relations with off site student housing complaints about students with noise, lewd behavior, nuisance and destruction of property are out of control with reports of little to no support or action.
- Public Comment – non-agenda items (limited to 1 minute per speaker unless otherwise declared by the President or presiding director. Public comment on agendized items will be called as each agenda item is brought forward.)
- Committee Reports and Announcements from Board Members
- Adjourn
Next Meeting: 11/02/2021 6:30 pm
Next Meeting Highlights:
Relevant Files:
This agenda has the following attachments: