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Special Meeting

Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 6:40 pm

PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS – Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

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  1. Call to Order Special Meeting
  2. Salute the Flag 
  3. Introductions
  4. Consent Calendar: (The following items will be treated as one item and enacted with one vote unless a Board member or a stakeholder requests that an item be placed on the Discussion Calendar.)
    1. Approval of Minutes of the May 2023 Board meeting.
    2. Receive and file the Treasurer’s Report and MER for March 2023
    3. Receive and file the Treasurer’s Report and MER for April 2023
    4. Motion to approve the expenditure of $1,500 for Star of the Neighborhood entry at the Annual Fourth of July Parade in Westchester.
    5. Motion to approve initial budget for the NCWP 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Admin Packet
    6. Motion to approve the Neighborhood Purposes Grant (NPG) to SOFESSA for their emergency outreach program/services, not to exceed $1,500.00.
    7. Motion to approve a letter of support with the following… the City of Los Angeles has a history of discriminatory and disparate treatment in its oil drilling environmental compliance requirements whereby some communities are afforded greater protections from pollution and noise from oil drilling operations while other communities are not; Whereas, the Murphy Drill site location in West Adams is an example of a community that has been exposed to toxic fumes and noise pollution that could be partially abated through facility enclosure and electrification of workover rigs and power supply, as has been done in wealthier communities, but have not been; Whereas, on February 28, 2023, the City’s Planning Department issued a Letter of Determination on Case No. ZA-1959-15227-O-PA6 requiring additional and modified conditions for the continued operation of the Murphy Oil Drill Site “to increase the protection of and to preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the residents and stakeholders of the neighborhood”; Whereas, on March 13, 2023, E & B Natural Resources the operator of the Murphy Drill site filed an appeal to the City’s Letter of Determination; Therefore, the Neighborhood Council of Westchester / Playa calls on the City of Los Angeles to uphold its February 28 Letter of Determination.  and
  5. Announcements from Governmental Representative (limit to 3 minutes please)
  6. Announcements from Board Members
  7. Presentations
  8. Discussion Calendar and related Public comment
  9. Public Comment – non-agenda items (limited to 1 minute per speaker unless otherwise declared by the President or presiding director.  Public comment on agendized items will be called as each agenda item is brought forward.) 
  10. Committee Reports
  11. Adjourn

Next Meeting: 07/05/2023 6:30 pm
Next Meeting Highlights:

Relevant Files:

This agenda has the following attachments:

  • NCWP Draft Board Mtg. Minutes.5.3.23