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Special Meeting

Meeting Date: January 14, 2025 6:30 pm

Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

Meeting Place LAWA Police Headquarters, 9160 S. Loyola Blvd
  1. Call to Order 
  2. Salute the Flag 
  3. Introductions
  4. Consent Calendar: (The following items will be treated as one item and enacted with one vote unless a Board member or a stakeholder requests that an item be placed on the Discussion Calendar.)
    1. Approval of Minutes November 21, 2024 Board meeting
    2. Receive and file the Treasurer’s Report and MER for months November 2024 and December 2024
    3. Motion to approve the NCWP approves a community impact statement that (1) creates an airport exemption zone, (2) caps the number of units within a particular zip code and (3) implements a “Distance Rule” to prohibit clustering within a zip code.
    4. Motion to approve letter to Mayor Karen Bass (who authorized this new hired at almost double that of her predecessor) demand the immediate investigation into the Department of Water and Power (LADWP), CEO Janisse Quiñones (her annual salary is $750,000) for her lack of performance of the duties she was hired to perform.  Under Quiñones’ leadership, the Santa Ynez Reservoir had been closed since about February 2024 for repairs to its cover, leaving a 117-million-gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades for nearly a year. LADWP sought bids for the repair in April, at a cost of up to $89,000. In November, the utility signed off on a contract with a Lakeside firm for about $130,000, records show.  The status of the repairs is unclear. The DWP’s employee union leader condemned the months-long wait to restore the reservoir.  “It’s completely unacceptable that this reservoir was empty for almost a year for minor repairs,” Gus Corona, business manager of IBEW Local 18, said in an interview with The Times.  “This work should have been done in-house, and they shouldn’t have depended on a contractor to do it,” he said. “I truly believe it’s something that could have been avoided.”  Joseph Ramallo, a chief communications officer for DWP, said the reservoir was scheduled to reopen in February.
  5. Announcements from Governmental Representative (limit to 3 minutes please)
  6. Announcements from Board Members
  7. Committee Reports
  8. Presentations
    1. Kirby Manor Corp Updates: 5201-5309 W. Knowlton Street and 6865 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles regarding a Density Bonus and three On-menu incentive items related to the proposed 77,917 SF proposed demolition and redevelopment project
      1. Board discussion on motion recommendation from the Planning and Land Use Committee that the Neighborhood Council of Westchester / Playa approve the proposed development without any material deviation as presented, subject to confirmation that all tenant notifications re: relocation/right of first refusal have been and will be distributed pursuant to applicable requirements.
    2. Return of 7027 Vista del Mar Lane, Presenter: Isaac Lemus/Crest Real Estate:  (See the NCWP PLUC AGENDA 10.15.24 – Proposed New (2) Single-Family Residences with dual vehicular access on Vista del Mar and Vista del Mar Lane
      1. Board discussion with Vote to approve/modify/deny
  9. Discussion Calendar and related Public comment
  10. Public Comment – non-agenda items (limited to 1 minute per speaker unless otherwise declared by the President or presiding director.  Public comment on agendized items will be called as each agenda item is brought forward.) 
  11. Adjourn

Next Meeting: 02/04/2025 6:30 pm
Next Meeting Highlights:


  1. Gregory Shoop: 237 East Montreal Street & 239 East Montreal Street, Playa del Rey CA SFR and ADU proposed development.
  2. St. Anastasia School and Church: Master Plan Update/Proposal

Relevant Files:

This agenda has the following attachments:

  • St. Anastasia Master Plan for NCPW
  • ED1_in_CD11
  • Downtown Westchester map with new developments and ED 1 units 2025JAN06
  • 2024-09-19 Knowlton Project Description
  • NCWP Agenda 5201 W. Knowlton Street
  • NCWP Draft Minutes 11-24 meeting
  • NCWP Agenda CIS ED1 Projects
  • December 2024 MER
  • November 2024 MER