NCWP is looking for neighborhood partners who are interested in volunteeering as poll workers for the 2012 Neighborhood Council Elections. Volunteers will support the local electoral process and contribute to the Culture of Empowerment.

On Election Day, poll workers will work shifts to assist in the administration of the Neighborhood Council Elections. As a volunteer poll worker, you will not receive any compensation for your service.

To be a volunteer poll worker, you must be at least 16 years of age by Election Day able to speak, read, and write English able to provide your own transportation.
If you would like to participate in the poll worker volunteer program for Neighborhood Council Elections, please fill out this online Volunteer Poll Worker Application. If you have any questions or comments for the EmpowerLA Elections Team, send an email to or call 818-293-VOTE.

The Volunteer Poll Worker Application is at:
In the section entitled “I am interested in volunteering for the following Neighborhood Council (NC) Election(s)”
indicate that you want to volunteer to help in the NC Westchester/Playa election on October 28.

Do not check any of the boxes under “I am available to volunteer as a poll worker in the following region(s)” because they did not include our region which is West LA.