Beginning August 31, 2020

Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 6:00pm

1st Grade – 5th Grade



8:00am-9:00am Check-in / Pre-Care

9:00am-2:15pm Supervise Virtual Learning / Lunch

2:15pm-3:00pm Homework / Recess

3:00pm-6:00pm After School Program


+ Participants are to bring their own sack lunch (afternoon snack will be provided).

+ Participants are to bring their own WiFi-enabled laptop or tablet (with headphones) for them to log-on to their respective virtual classrooms for virtual learning. No classroom instruction will be given by park staff; only supervision and monitoring of participants.

+ Staff and participants will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and have temperature checks at check-in and throughout the day. Safety: Stable groups, social distancing, handwashing.

+ To register, go to Spots are limited to 24 per location per week.

All Registration is to be done Online!  There is no In-Person Registration.

Sign-Up Now!  Space is Very Limited!