Eviction Moratorium
Having trouble paying the rent on time?
Highly Recommend – constituents contact HCIDLA so that, if necessary, cases are properly and timely documented and communication with tenants/landlords can begin even sooner.
HOTLINE: 1-866-557-7368 M-F 8:30A-4:30P, and Sat and Sun, 10A-3P
Job Portals
One-stop resource for the people of California impacted by job loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic: https://onwardca.org/
For those whose jobs have been impacted by COVID-19, this website enables unemployed or underemployed Angelenos to find and apply to job opportunities across all industries, so they can start working right NOW.
Face Masks
The Mayor announces: Early data suggests many who are infected with COVID-19 are not symptomatic, which is why we are recommending you use cloth face coverings plus physical distancing for essential activities. Do not use surgical and N95 masks, which are reserved for first responders and medical workers.
You probably don’t have any masks just lying around your house. The New York Times and Youtube have suggestions on how to sew masks, sew one out of a bandana, fold one from a bandana,or cut one out of a t-shirt. We haven’t tested these all yet, so your mileage may vary.
Mental Health
Our own Getty Center challenged people on social media to recreate a piece of art at home using materials on hand. Check out the great results at the Getty Blog and here.
Musicians the world over are sharing their music including cellist Yo Yo Ma with his #songsof comfort on his social media accounts. LA Phil at home is offering pieces recorded at home and the Colorado symphony offered a virtual Ode to Joy.
The Apricot Lane Farm of the Biggest Little Farm movie in nearby Moorpark is hosting Friday livestreams at 10am. This week viewers learn about chicks. You can also view it on their Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/apricotlanefarms