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Meeting Date: March 5, 2024 6:30 pm

Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

Meeting Place Westchester Municipal Building 7166 Manchester Avenue, Westchester, CA 90045
  1. Call to Order 
  2. Salute the Flag 
  3. Introductions
  4. Consent Calendar: (The following items will be treated as one item and enacted with one vote unless a Board member or a stakeholder requests that an item be placed on the Discussion Calendar.)
    1. Approval of Minutes of the Special January 9, 2024 Board meeting
    2. Receive and file the December 2023 Treasurer’s Report and MER
    3. Motion to approve  the Neighborhood Purpose Grant (NPG) application from the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust to support the opening of the Open Magnet Charter school grounds on weekends to provide local residents with access to open space in the park-poor neighborhoods of Osage / Westport Heights for an amount not to exceed $2,250.00.
    4. Motion to approve upgrade to Hostgator account in an amount not to exceed $70.00 for the duration of the plan (until January 2025), to improve stability of the website.
    5. Motion to approve Moore Business results February invoice (2024 0201) in the amount of $694.32.
    6. Motion to strongly oppose the proposal by the Dept. of City Planning (DCP) to change the City’s construction noise thresholds. The proposal would remove noise increase limits and only place a cap of 80 dBA Leq (daytime) on noise. These changes would substantially weaken protections for residential areas from excessive construction noise levels.  (Draft letter attached)
    7. Motion to approve a CIS to request that Westchester be made part of the “pilot program” for which Councilwoman Parks has a motion pending to remove RVs. Venice and Del Rey NCs have filed CIS requesting that their areas be included in the pilot.  Council File: (
    8. Motion to requests that the restriction in LAMC Sec. 41.18 on camping near sensitive uses be defined to include dwelling in vehicles of all sizes as well as all forms of camping within 500 feet of sensitive uses, including libraries, parks, schools and day-care centers, and that Councilmembers representing WRAC Member Councils (CMs Park, Yaroslavsky, Raman  and/or Hutt) bring a motion in City Council to amend LAMC 41.18 for this purpose.  Background can be found here.
    9. Motion to strongly oppose the implementation of Metro’s Congestion Pricing pilot (aka the Metro Traffic Reductions Study (TRS) project).  Background can be found here.
    10. Motion to create the Bylaws AD-HOC Committee, approve appointment of Steve Donell as Chair, and approve assignment of the following Board Members, Geoff Maleman and David Voss.
  5. Announcements from Governmental Representative (limit to 3 minutes please)
  6. Announcements from Board Members
  7. Presentations
    1. Isaac Lemus, Project Coordinator for 206 Montreal would like to present their project again with a request to amend the original conditions of support.  The only item they would like to amend is the landscaping height limit in the front yard as their design is proposing trees in the same location of the existing trees in the front yard.
      1. Board Q & A with discussion to follow
      2. Public Comment
      3. Possible motion to support or deny the requested amendment.
  8. Discussion Calendar and related Public comment
    1. 5817 Interceptor St Illegal Dumping, how can the NCWP best help our stakeholders?
  9. Public Comment – non-agenda items (limited to 1 minute per speaker unless otherwise declared by the President or presiding director.  Public comment on agendized items will be called as each agenda item is brought forward.) 
  10. Committee Reports
  11. Adjourn

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