Does your non-profit organization have a project benefiting the Westchester/Playa community? Do you need some help with funding? Then you might want to apply for a Neighborhood Purpose Grant (NPG). Grants are awarded by the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa to support 501(c) (3) organizations and public schools with their efforts benefiting the community and serving the public.

The NCWP welcomes and encourages the submission of NPG applications. Funding criteria set forth by the Office of the City Clerk must be met. Please visit our website for funding guidelines and instructions as well as the Neighborhood Purpose Grant Application.

Funds are limited; grants can be approved and funded for up to $1,500. While selecting grant recipients, particular emphasis will be placed on projects with immediate needs, those providing the greatest benefit to the community and whose resources for alternative funding are limited. Because of the review process and timeline, we recommend submitting an application at least 3 months in advance of when funding is needed. This allows time for review, approval, and the processing of your request before payment is sent. Applications should be submitted no later than March 1st, 2020 for proper consideration.

Applications should be submitted to the Treasurer who in turn brings to the Budget and Finance Committee for consideration. If approved, the funding request is brought to the NCWP for Board approval. You might want to consider making a short presentation to the Committee and/or being available when your application is considered to answer any questions that may arise. We look forward to hearing from you.