Neighborhood Council Westchester/Playa
Airport Relations Committee
Committee Report, June 2012

Attendees: Tom Hood, Mike Davison, Danna Cope, Craig Eggers, Terry Marcellus, Judy May, Nora MacLellan, Frances Stronks, Kathryn Evans, Denny Schneider, Mark Redick, Chad Molnar, John Loizeaux

1. SPAS EIR – expect the document to be released in mid-July 2012.

2. SPAS EIR Review Period – review period is going to be 75 days.

3. Conrac Facility – will more likely be at Manchester Square rather than Parking Lot C.

4. SPAS & Northside project – regardless of whether either or both projects get approved in any configuration; there will likely be significant traffic impacts.

5. LAWA’s Goal – have all runways able to handle Group 6 aircraft in all weather conditions.

6. LAX Northside – first Urban Design workshop is set for June 28th at 4 pm &/or 6:30 at the Loyola Village Elementary School.

7. Sign District Ordinance – first draft of the EIR is written and waiting for LAWA Planning review. Follow-up discussion will be scheduled with ARC before any document is released.

8. Townhall Moderators – suggestions include Olney, Katz, Knabe, Anton, Lopez.


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