2012 CEQA statutes and guidelines: http://ceres.ca.gov/ceqa/docs/CEQA_Handbook_2012_wo_covers.pdf

This handbook was compiled by a professional environmental organization and is posted on the state’s website (http://ceres.ca.gov).  It is current up to January 2012.  The official and most up to date legislation can be found in the Public Resources Code and the California Code of Regulations.  The cover of the handbook identifies the section numbers where they are codified.
– Appendix A is a flowchart of the CEQA process.  It is on page 246 of the CEQA Guidelines (page 296 of the pdf).
– Appendix G is known as the Environmental Checklist Form.  The questions in Appendix G form the basis of what is analyzed under CEQA.  It is on page 256 of the CEQA Guidelines (page 306 of the pdf).


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