Meet the candidates!
See their statements and photos here to get ready to vote!
Please note, candidate statements are available on the City Clerk Site.
Residential District 2 Director: 1 Seat
I moved to Playa del Rey about a dozen years ago and I have no plans of leaving this adorable “quirky little beach town”. Well it is re-election time for me and I want to continue to be part of the Westchester/Playa Neighborhood Council again. Since my last election I have moved into government service with the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations. My new career in health and safety would be a continued value to both the council and community. I can help engineer appropriate development of Playa del Rey, Playa Vista and Westchester to both keep its character and provide well for the economic wealth of businesses located here. Thank you and I will see you around town…Gregg
My wife and I have lived in our condo in Playa Del Rey for 8 years now. As an owner, I served on the Board of Directors of my association, including as president. I would like to serve the greater community, bringing my strengths: fiscal responsibility, inclusivity, and advocating for the will of the people. Over the past 8 years I have felt the strong sense of community here, and would like to contribute my time and energy to this neighborhood that I love.
I am a proud resident of the Westchester/Playa neighborhood, and I am honored to run for the Residential District 2 Director seat. This Neighborhood Council does so many things right in creating such a vibrant and wholesome place to live. Still, there are some issues that we could be doing better at as a community. These issues include managing the COVID-19 Pandemic, rebuilding and maintaining a strong and flourishing economy after the pandemic, developing tangible and durable goals to address the homelessness crisis, promoting sustainability and environmentally conscious initiatives, and building strong youth engagement programs for the children in the neighborhood. My education at USC and my experience as a corporate manager have given me skills that I would like to use to now benefit my community and the people within it. Elect me as the Residential District 2 Director, and we can begin building a stronger and better neighborhood!
As a social worker, community organizer, and co-founder of a local non-profit, I am an advocate for better stewardship of our community and the natural environment where we reside. As the co-founder for a non-profit which has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing regular and healthy groceries to families impacted by the pandemic in our community, I have witnessed the power of an engaged community coming together to care for our neighbors. I currently serve as a board member of my HOA and have years of experience in community organizing. I am a service oriented person who will work hard to bring our neighbors together. I believe that by bringing together stakeholders and through the care of our neighbors and our environment we can create a community where we all thrive. I seek to advance a community which is accessible, inclusive, and environmentally conscientious. Learn more at
Residential District 4 Director: 1 Seat
As a resident of Playa Vista, Playa del Rey and Westchester for 14 years, I have come to value the small-town environment of our area and the diversity of our neighbors. My training as a board certified music therapist has strengthened my desire to show compassion to others and create spaces where people can be validated, be authentic, and be empowered to help create and sustain larger communities. As a volunteer at our children’s school I’ve engaged in these pursuits, and I hope to continue at a community level. As a mom, a musician with a degree in mathematics and a trained therapist, I believe I bring some unique qualities to represent our community and make this an even more wonderful place to live and work. As your representative, I will listen with an open mind and will advocate for compassion, diversity, and inclusivity. I have determination and resilience, and will roll up my sleeves and work to effect change where necessary. Please visit to learn more.
Residential District 6 Director: 1 Seat
I’ve loved being a Westchester resident for 27 years … I have two grown kids and love my town even more. Much of my activism runs under the radar. I have spent many years working to keep our medians and street poles of clear of non-community advertising – an ongoing challenge. I have been dedicated to supporting our community in any way I can and I have seen our area change, often for the better. It’s called balance and I hope to contribute balance to the NCWP board. I decided to run for the board because I believe we must preserve, progress and protect our community. I will be a voice for those with a vested interest in Westchester/Playa FIRST, for safety, quality of life and again, safety, while aiming for common sense approaches to the many challenges ahead. Those who know me know that I am always open-minded and that I carefully consider everything in which I am involved. I am hopeful that I can earn your vvote and that, together, we can make our community the best it can be!
My family and I love the strong sense of community that the Westchester and Playa neighborhoods offer. Our kids have played in AYSO, participated in Little League teams, attend school here. As they get older, I have been looking for ways to make a positive impact on the neighborhoods we have grown to love by keeping it safe for all, advocating for the underrepresented, and determining the best way to ensure that our community continues to thrive.
Residential District 8 Director: 1 Seat
Kenneth Clive
No photo submitted
No statement submitted
As a Westchester resident of 18 years, I will listen to and represent the diverse voices in our neighborhood. My interest in the well-being of our local community developed while helping to grow an inclusive neighborhood school, where families and children of all backgrounds and abilities could learn with and from one another. I have served on the parent leadership team at the school since its founding, including eight years as Co-President, while also leading the Finance/Fundraising committee. As a Pediatric Physical Therapist I use an evidence-based approach to help kids of all abilities reach their maximum potential, and I will apply that same philosophy to our Westchester/Playa community. I would like to see more significant outreach from our Council with input from a greater number of community stakeholders. I am motivated to work as a team to make a difference and look forward to serving my neighborhood on this council. Please visit to learn more.
It will be 30 yrs this July since my wife and I moved to Westchester to begin our family. We have resided in Kentwood in the same house the entire time. We chose to remodel 3 times instead of moving. The best investment has been my time as the Parent Liaison at Kentwood Elementary for its multimillion-dollar campus refurbishment, the 2 yrs coaching my son’s AYSO team (Regional Champions!), coaching DRALL Ball, and serving on the boards of the Westchester Vitalization Corporation, the LAX Coastal Area COC, and the NC since 2006. I have decided to run for reelection because our Community is faced with its toughest challenges in my 30 yrs as a resident. I pride myself on being compassionate, thoughtful and fair on all the issues we debate. I wish to continue serving the community from the perspective of a resident and pledge to seek solutions that are to the benefit of all members of the community without being to the detriment of other members. I would be honored for your vote!
Residential District 10 Director: 1 Seat
It’s been an honor to serve as a Board Member and Chair of the Public Safety Committee. I love Westchester / Playa…the tight nit neighborhoods, walkable streets and proximity to everything. I got involved with the Neighborhood Council a few years ago after my young son and I were in the middle of a shooting at Westchester Park. I just couldn’t shake it and had to get involved. I’m running for a new term as my work is incomplete; we can continue to make this special place safe, push the needle on homeless initiatives, work to have a sustainable environment and a symbiotic relationship with LAX, LMU, traffic issues, high density, open spaces and our beaches. I’m an avid outdoorsman and own a Production Company based right here. I’ve been very involved with the community and coached both my kids sports teams including AYSO, WLL Baseball and WDRLL Softball, as well as a leader for the YMCA Y-Guides. This area is our home and I’m passionate about this wonderful place.
As a 4th generation life long resident of Westchester, I am proud to say this community has shaped me into the man I am today. I used to be apart of this council when I was 18 years & I would love to have your continued support. There are a variety of issues that I would like to address, from increasing our efforts to help our homeless into transitional/permanent housing, to having mental health workers respond to non-criminal emergency calls rather than police, reducing waste, safer communities, among many more issues. I pride myself on being not only a hard driven individual but also a creative thinker who is comfortable thinking outside of the box while maintaining an open mind to the wide array of world views, cultures & perspectives represented within our community. In this role I intend on being a strong advocate for senior citizens, military veterans, youth & specifically all residents within our community including our underrepresented groups that make our great city.
As a proud Westchester resident for 17 years, my love for our community drives my dedication to preserve its heart and special character. I wish to bring an inclusive perspective to the NCWPDR to address issues related to our increasing population, need for affordable housing, finding solutions for our unhoused, making our community a safe place to raise families and helping local schools thrive. I have been a local realtor for 12 years and been deeply involved with local education for 13 years. As a parent volunteer, I established community service programs for students at Open Magnet Charter and WISH Charter and served in leadership roles on many local school Boards. I volunteer for Grass Roots Neighbors, YMCA and LAX Food Pantry. Some of you may also know me from the Quarantine Cooking Facebook Group, which I started during the pandemic to support home chefs. I’m dedicated to listening to and responding to all stakeholders and promoting diversity, equity and human kindness.
Residential District 12 Director: 1 Seat
Westchester-Playa is a special, diversified community in which to live and work–WE MUST KEEP IT THAT WAY. I was an organizer of the LA NC overall system, NCWP in particular, Westside region budget representative for years. I remain an active member of the Westside Region of Councils Planning and Land Use committee and remain on the NCWP education committee. We must tackle things inflicting our quality of life: Homelessness, over-densification. severe traffic congestion, pollution, and lack of open space. Scientist/Programs Manager in Aerospace before retirement. Key community activities: ARSAC President stopping LAX Expansion, Founding Pres Westchester Neighbors Association, Chair, LAX-Community Noise Roundtable, Several times– Community Plan Update Committee, 20 years in schools-public & private, environmental leader for water, air. & trees, MTA leadership council & more I AM RETURNING TO HELP. DON’T JUST VOTE FOR ME–VOLUNTEER TO HELP ON A BIPARTISAN BASIS
My name is Andy Sywak (Sea-whack) and I am running to represent the Osage neighborhood with my focus to add parks and improve neighborhood services. Serving on the neighborhood council’s Govt Affairs Committee, I recently spearheaded an inclusive effort asking Councilmember Bonin to work with LAUSD to open recreation space on campuses to the public. Both of my children attended preschool and now elementary school (Open Magnet) in Osage. I will focus on improving the lives of residents and working families who want good schools, affordable housing, safe streets and dependable city services. I will advocate to make La Tijera more welcoming to cyclists and pedestrians. Having worked in government at both the state and local level, I will bring this expertise to the neighborhood council. Soon, Westchester will have its own Metro stop in Osage when the Crenshaw line opens. This election is not about the past but embracing a shared future. Join me and learn more at
Residential District 14 Director: 1 Seat
I have served on a lot of boards over the last 15 years, but I wanted to serve on something bigger than just a condo board or a business board. So a few years back I was approached by many people on the neighborhood council to run. I have lived in Playa Vista for over 17 years now and I have done many many things for this community and I will continue to do so; but I felt it was time to do good and put my knowledge and experience to better use on a bigger platform. So that was why I said yes to becoming a board member of the Westchester/Playa neighborhood council. I have learned so much about my surrounding communities and have enjoyed working with all my fellow board members. I look forward to continuing the progress we have made on many fronts over the past few years. I am committed to representing all stakeholders in the district and I look forward to hearing from you at the neighborhood council meetings. Thank you and I would appreciate your vote.
Recently, my 14-year-old son was nearby while I zoomed with the 10 other candidates from the slate “Westchester Playa Forward.” I didn’t know he was listening, but when the Zoom call ended, he said, “I like those people.” I know you will, too. This is a group of smart, vibrant neighbors who share a vision of a more compassionate, inclusive, and forward-looking community. Your vote for me adds someone with the capacity to dive into complex issues (like LAX expansion), a dedication to social justice, concern for our most vulnerable, and the ethos of hard work. If you’re reading this, you understand that creating a better world begins locally, so vote for me and this exemplary slate to help manifest a better neighborhood… and world. Improving where necessary, protecting what’s vital. My wife and I have lived in PV for 9 years. We’ve been educating our 3 kids in Westchester (Open School) for 11 years. Let’s keep making these places better. Learn more at
At Large Director Seat 1: 1 Seat
As a decades long community member I’m committed to representing all of our neighborhoods. Currently the Chair of the Planning and Land Use Committee, I’ve required developers to think of and put our community FIRST! Overseeing a year plus evaluation of the LMU Master Plan Amendment, I listened to many hours of your input and fought to assure LMU has as few impacts on our neighborhood as possible. On the Airport Relations Committee I continue to fight hard for residents and work with LAX on much needed modernization, while minimizing adverse community impacts. I led the PDR community in an over five year fight opposing an oversized and environmentally hazardous project. I realized then the importance of having a seat at the NC table when discussing issues that impact us all. I am committed to our safety and assuring that our public resources are safe, clean and accessible for all. I listen to the community and pledge to continue to represent our community interests above all else.
As a Westchester resident and Playa Vista-based professional, I have a strong commitment to the Neighborhood. I love our community and want to see it thrive as a place for everyone to live, work, and play. I’ve been working in Silicon Beach for the last 9 years and want to continue to see good jobs come to the area. However, we must ensure any developments conserve the local environment and support equitable housing. I’m a NextGen Board member for Safe Place for Youth, a local non-profit dedicated to finding lasting solutions for young people experiencing homelessness in LA. I believe our community should be designed for people first, not cars, and I’d like to see the city prioritize more local green space and bike paths. I want to continue to see our neighborhood as one of the safest in LA with access to good schools with ample opportunities for residents to raise their family. I am committed to representing all stakeholders in the district and I humbly ask for your vote.
Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative – Registered Independent. I’ve opened small businesses, worked for large corporations, and even had a stint as a stay at home dad. I believe this provides a significant platform for me to weigh competing interests within our community, and make sound decisions.
My name is Akosua Koko Bates. I am a native of Los Angeles. I am a graduate of Howard University. I currently work for the Department of Industrial Relations for the State of California. I am a mother of one son who is in his first year of college at Montana State University. I love my neighborhood! I am running for the position of At Large Director Neighborhood Council. I want to be your neighborhood advocate. I want to support and strengthen shaping neighborhood-based solutions to the problems we face every day. As the pandemic unfolds, we are forced to scrutinize every social construct from the way our children go to school, to the way we govern. I am committed to those who live and work hard in our community. I pledge to work collaboratively with our businesses and residents and seek creative solutions for ongoing challenges. Thank you for your consideration.
As a community advocate, I will bring a progressive perspective that puts people and equality first. I am running to bring a fresher, outcomes-oriented point of view to our Council. Everyday at work, I communicate with nonprofits across the country that empower people normally left out of politics. I have experience in listening to stakeholders, forging partnerships, and getting ambitious projects done. And, as a member of the Council, I will do the same for Westchester, Playa Del Rey, and Playa Vista. I vow to strengthen our already diverse community. Our local businesses and universities are stakeholders we must engage more. I’ll work with these groups to offer more enrichment opportunities, like sports leagues or art programs, to all residents. We also face a housing crisis made worse by COVID. We as a Council must coordinate our resources and our neighbors better, and I will always fight for the dignity of all our neighbors. Visit for more.
Business Director Zip Code 90045: 1 Seat
Business Director Zip Code 90293: 1 Seat
I’m the owner of Black Sheep Design, which I started after 20 years art directing at a major television network. But you may have seen me around PDR in my pink shirt picking up trash, or on FB as admin of the local Buy Nothing group. I am also qualified to represent this community because I have lived in both Westchester and PDR, I am an involved citizen, a wife to a public school teacher, and a mom to a Boy Scout. I have been involved in Westchester and Playa Del Rey Little Leagues, beach cleanups, and fighting overdevelopment. My heart aches for what the pandemic did to so many of our local businesses. As your representative, I want to emphasize revitalizing PDR’s and Westchester’s downtowns, being there for our neighbors, caring for our beautiful Ballona Wetlands and the beach, and advocating for beautiful pedestrian- and family-friendly spaces for the community in the LAX Northside Project. Please visit to learn more.
Hello, As a (Lifer) born and raised in Westchester. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Love this community and feel very lucky to have been a member of this little hidden gem. As a father of three boys (Alfonso, Allen and Alejandro) I was very active in AYSO Board and Westchester Little League board. My greatest accomplishment was creating and being a founding member of The Presidents Cup. A baseball tournament between Play Del Rey & Westchester Little League. As a business owner, a neighborhood tradition since 1973, I have seen the challenges, changes and difficulties of running a business in Los Angeles. But the greatest pleasure is knowing generations of families have called Hacienda Home. Now that my boys have grown, its time to give back to the community by participating in NCWP. Best Regards! Vote for Al
Community Organization Director: 1 Seat
My love for the Westchester/Playa community drives my commitment to moving us forward as a more diverse, inclusive, and family-friendly neighborhood. I am grateful to be raising my family here and love being a part of a community that comes together to support our neighbors in tough times. I am proud to be a board member and volunteer with Grass Roots Neighbors, a local nonprofit providing food and assistance to families affected by the pandemic. I also volunteer at my childrens’ school and serve as the Vice-President of the SSC which helps determine how Title funds are spent for at-risk, ESL, and/or special education students. Additionally, I have organized numerous community events and served as a Girl Scout and Cub Scout leader. I am a compassionate and community-service minded person of integrity who would be honored to represent you on the NCWP. I welcome the opportunity to listen to your concerns and help solve community issues. Please visit to learn more.
Education Director: 1 Seat
I am a Comet, Westchester resident, and I have been an educator for 17 years. I believe education empowers us, allows us to explore our creativity, stimulates our growth, and enables us to build and foster lasting relationships. At Watts Learning Center Charter School, I served as a teacher and parent advocate. I also collaborated with colleagues to create and facilitate a series of workshops to support families to meet their children’s needs. At Wright MS, I support teachers and students in facilitating the project-based learning framework. I plan and facilitate training on standards-based instruction and serve various student groups. I have also collaborated with LMU to create a program to support students with diverse needs. I engage in this work because I can attest to the long-term benefits of quality education, so I am compelled to advocate for our community’s students. I am committed to ensuring all students have access to quality education. Learn more @
Service Club & Fraternal Organization Director: 1 Seat
Born and raised in Westchester, I know how unique our neighborhood is in the greater Los Angeles. I want to actively cultivate our hometown values for my children and neighbors. As a board member of the Westchester Rotary Club I am hands on with service projects that affect our community. Service is my passion and it has guided my path in life as a pharmacist. I am the owner of Westchester Pharmacy, a family business serving Westchester for 40 years. I seek to be an advocate for my patients’ care and fill the gaps of healthcare inequality. Although I may be considered a young professional, my work is to serve our seniors and their needs. As a Westchester homeowner and mother I am familiar with the issues that need redress, and as a small business owner I am in tune with the current struggle we are facing. I come from an old generation Westchester, carrying forward to raise our community’s compassion, equity, and responsibility. Learn more at
Having lead both the LAX Kiwanis and our local Masonic Lodge, I’m seeking the office of Service Club & Fraternal Organization Director. I’ve had a dedication to service that has continued with me my whole life. I currently serve on the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Kiwanis as the Region 8 Trustee, which encompasses most of Los Angeles and as a district foundation director. I am also the Assistant District Administrator for Key Club, the world’s largest high school community service organization. Experience is important. I’ve spent 9 years on our Neighborhood Council as a director and 11 years on committees, including Planning and Land Use, Airport Relations and Safety. With your support we can continue to grow the important role of service to the community. I know what we can do with our Neighborhood Council, and the positive influence it can have on a community. I hope to help lead our community through these challenging times to a brighter tomorrow.
Youth Organization Director: 1 Seat
A trustworthy, compassionate community leader and proud Westchester resident, I’m dedicated to moving our community forward. In my term as a board member, I served as Chair of the Education Committee. I’ve had the opportunity to work with our amazing schools, businesses, non-profits, community groups, and stakeholders. I hope to continue to facilitate bringing these groups together to support one another in their individual goals, as well as joining together to work toward larger community goals to sustain this neighborhood’s vibrant diverse culture. Holding the Youth Organization seat will allow me to advocate for an inclusive and conscientious community that values education, children, and families. I seek to be transparent, open to feedback, and eager to learn from the knowledge and experiences of all stakeholders. I look forward to working to maintain and further the unique qualities that make our neighborhood an incredible place to call home. Learn more at
At Large Community Interest Director: 1 Seat
The past year has been challenging for all of us, although we have been impacted in different ways & to different degrees. We are living through a moment of intersecting crises (health, social justice, housing, environment, economy) that have revealed how much our social safety net has eroded or failed completely. I don’t want to just “go back to normal” because, quite frankly, I don’t believe “normal” was working very well. I believe change starts locally – in our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, our city. I am running for Neighborhood Council so that I can work together with neighbors (both housed & unhoused), stakeholders throughout the community, and fellow council members towards solutions that help everyone – especially our most vulnerable and marginalized neighbors. I believe we can learn from the challenges that we have all experienced during this global pandemic to move forward into a more equitable future for us all. Learn more at
Westchester/Playa is a very special community and I am dedicated to keeping it safe. My family has lived in Playa del Rey for 17 years, and we hope to stay for many more. My goals for our community are to: 1) create a safe environment for our residents and stakeholders by working towards reducing crime and improving efforts with respect to addressing the homeless crisis; 2) ensure that any new development or enhancements to the area are in the best interest of the community; 3) make sure that our property taxes are adequately appropriated; and 4) support and assist our local businesses so that they thrive. I am committed to supporting the concerns and desires of my fellow residents. My experience, skills and passion are what the District needs to ensure effective, impactful change for the better. For more information about me and how to vote, please visit: