Safe Sidewalk LA Public Meeting

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Safe Sidewalk LA Public Meeting

February 5, 2020 @ 12:00 am

The City of Los Angeles (City) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed Sidewalk Repair Program (proposed Project) that addresses the manner in which sidewalk repair projects are undertaken pursuant to the City’s obligations under the Willits Settlement Agreement (Settlement). The City is requesting input on the Draft EIR from public agencies, residents, and other interested project stakeholders.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Under the proposed Project, the City would adopt a new uncodified ordinance to revise the way sidewalk repairs undertaken pursuant to the Settlement are reviewed and approved, with a primary goal of streamlining the Settlement implementation process.

The key components of the ordinance include:

• A ministerial approval process to enable sidewalk repair projects falling within certain specified parameters to proceed upon approval by the City Engineer or a designee, without undergoing further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
• A streamlined discretionary approval process by the City Engineer or a designee for sidewalk repair projects falling outside the specific parameters for a ministerial sidewalk repair approval;
• A revised Street Tree Retention, Removal and Replacement Policy establishing a 2:1 street tree replacement to removal ratio requirement for years 1-10, 3:1 for years 11-21, and 2:1 for years 22-30, and;
• Mandatory Project Design Features (PDFs) generally consisting of regulatory compliance measures and standard construction conditions and procedures.


The Draft EIR Public Review and Comment Period begins December 26th, 2019 until February 24, 2020. Options for providing comments during the Draft EIR Public Review and Comment Period include the following:

1. Attend a Public Meeting and provide verbal and/or written comments during the Draft EIR Review Period. 

February 5, 2020 at 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Lafayette Multipurpose Community Center
625 S La Fayette Park Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90057

2. Submit comments online until February 24, 2020 at the following link: Please be sure to include your contact information.

3. Email your comment to during the Draft EIR Review Period and include “SRP DEIR” in the subject line. Please include your contact information including name, telephone number, mailing address, and e-mail address so that we can contact you if we have any questions regarding your comment.

4. Mail your comments during the Draft EIR Review Period to:


Shilpa Gupta, Environmental Supervisor I
City of Los Angeles Public Works, Bureau of Engineering
Environmental Management Group
1149 S Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939
Los Angeles, CA 90015

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