A federal court today approved Los Angeles County’s groundbreaking settlement with the LA Alliance for Human Rights that commits up to $1.24 billion in additional funding to provide 3,000 beds for people with mental health and substance use disorders experiencing homelessness, while also expanding street-based outreach and wraparound services.

The new resources come on top of $293 million the County pledged in a separate agreement over the course of this three-and-a-half-year lawsuit to provide 6,700 beds for people experiencing homelessness near freeways as well as for unhoused seniors.

Combined, the County’s total commitment amounts to a record $1.53 billion and dovetails with the County’s ongoing efforts to scale up and fast-track efforts to address homelessness in response to the Board of Supervisors declaring a state of emergency in January.

See the whole fact sheet:

CD11 Dispatch_ Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative Brief + Fact Sheet