At the September 19, 2023 Venice Neighborhood Council Meeting the VNC considered a recommendation to house homeless in LAX parcels, which might reduce the number of homeless in Venice.

Community Members of Westchester / Playa were concerned that this proposal in item 13 of their agenda was simply moving homeless from one neighborhood to another. Stakeholders were invited to share their opinions for or against the proposal.

Councilwoman Traci Park emphasized at the meeting that the agenda item originated from a neighborhood council member, not from her office. She urged the council to operate within its boundaries and foster collaboration with neighboring councils.

The parcels in question are located at the corner of La Tijera and Westchester Parkway (Parcel 1). The second is at the corner of La Tijera and Century (Parcel 2), and the third is at the corner of 111th Street and Aviation (Parcel 3).

Westchester / Playa stakeholders thanked her for her attendance and attention to this matter.

Other news related to this matter:


The Argonaut