Neighborhood Council’s Ad Hoc Community Plan Update committee members (Julie Ross, Lisa Gaines, Cory Birkett, and Tracy Conyers) facilitated the tour of our community with four senior city planners (Diego Janacua, Benjamin Sullivan, Kiran Rishi and Reuben Caldwell), CD 11’s Jeff Khau, Kevin Ivey and a few community members to see firsthand the best housing strategies for our community. It started with a presentation and then followed with a 2 1/2 hour guided tour.

We drove through each area identified in the Residential, Commercial and the Industrial plans, discussed the pros and cons and the Neighborhood Council plan alternatives. This was crucial for the planners to see first hand how this unique community is impacted by the world airport and is landlocked by the ocean and freeways.

The tour illuminated the community’s concerns about upzoning residential lots, preserving RSO and Section 8 housing, preventing density close to over-crowded corridors that feed the ever expanding world airport, and focusing instead on high density housing in strategic areas close to the Metro and busses but away from the critical airport corridors.

They will be redesigning the three plans in January. The public will be able to review and comment on the revised plans before it goes into the next phase: Environmental Impact Review (EIR). We will keep you informed and updated on the revised plans.

By Lisa Gaines,
NCWP Board Member/Outreach Committee Chair