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Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa

PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS – Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

Chairperson Steve Donell
Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 6:30 pm
Meeting Place Westchester Municipal Building, 7166 Manchester Avenue, Westchester, CA 90045

Call to Order:


Discussion/Action (Motion):


Public Comment Agenda Items




Presentation #1:

  • ZA-2024-4518-CU2 Request for support for a CUP, City Planning case number
  • Kamra Khoubian, Owner of Cyber Rides Virtual Playground DBA Cyber Park, located at 8801 Sepulveda Blvd. #G/Westchester
  • Request is for a virtual arcade
  • Possible vote re:  approval/modification/denial



Presentation #2:

  • City of Los Angeles Case Number: DIR-2022-9365-DB-SPR-VHCA-PHP
  • Demolition of existing buildings for construction of new 145-unit apartment building located at 5201 W Knowlton Street (near La Cienega & Centinela Avenue)
  • Mark J Len/Kirby Manor Corp Owner
  • Representative Jamie Poster Rosenberg (Craig Lawson & Co., LLC)
  • Possible vote re: approval/modification/denial

Presentation #3:

  • Existing Hertz Site: 9000 Airport Blvd./Los Angeles
  • Proposed redevelopment
  • 18.136 acre site with two options – either a single or multi-building plan of 400,000 + SF of buildings with a maximum height of 50 feet
  • October 10, 2023: Entitlement application submitted to LACP
  • August 21, 2024 Notice of Preparation of EIR Report Publication
  • Owner: Rexford Industrial
  • Architect: RGA
  • CEQA Consultants: Eyestone Environmental
  • Land Use Consultant: Craig Lawson & Co., LLC
  • Possible vote re: approval/modification/denial

Approval of Minutes

Public Comment:

Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items, 1 minute.

For More Info:

Public Comment Request

THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT – As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment by email: or phone: (213) 978-1551.

PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website: or at the scheduled meeting.  In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the committee chairperson at (213) 473-7023 or email through website at

Notice to Paid Representatives – If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code §§ 48.01 et seq. More information is available at For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or

PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – Neighborhood Council agendas are posted for public review as follows:

Meeting Attachments

This agenda has the following attachments:
