Overall Status- Phase 1 of construction (from Stanmoor Drive to Rayford Drive) will be completed by April 9, 2021.

Upcoming Work- Crew will begin the 2nd phase of the construction( Rayford Drive to Loyola Boulevard) on April 12, 2021. Parking will be restricted from Rayford Drive to 7212 W 91st Street.

Street Closures/Parking- The will be a detour at Rayford Drive and Villanova Avenue during the second phase of construction an the street will be block to thru traffic at Rayford Dr. Local traffic for the first part of phase 2 will be allowed from Villanova Avenue.

Work Hours- Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4PM. There may be days when construction hours may be slightly longer if a safety concern needs to be resolved to leave the area safe. Residents will be notified in advance if the work schedule changes at any time.

Fact Sheet_Airpot PD RW- 210408