Board Meeting

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Board Meeting

September 7, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Meeting announcement

Join us for our next NCWP Meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 6;30pm.


By phone: (669) 900-6833, Zoom webinar ID: ID: 99993297439

On our agenda:

  • The CAO’s report is out on CF 21-0350: Report Back on Evaluation of Site Feasibility and Identification of Funding for Potential Homeless Interventions in Council District 11.  What do our stakeholders want from our Councilman?  From our City?  From our Mayor?  From our City Attorney? From our Recreation and Parks Organization?  From LAWA? From our County Supervisors?  From LAHSA?  From PATH?  From our LAPD?   From our LASD?  From our LAFD?  From our County Health Department? From our LADOT?  From our LA Sanitation & Environment?  LA Bureau of Engineering?  What other Council Files are currently pending that we, as a Board of Stakeholders need to be actively monitoring?  Stakeholders, we want to hear from you.  Email us at or attend this meeting so that we can hear from you.
  • New proposed housing fund
  • Unlawful Sitting, Lying, Sleeping needs in our community
  • Repercussions from DOT proposed/recommended bollards (aka Road Diet) from Sepulveda to edge of park

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