The Neighborhood Council election will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 10am to 4pm.  The polls will be at the Westchester Municipal Building Community Room at 7166 Manchester Ave in Westchester.

There are 15 board positions on the ballot.  Come out to have a say in who represents your community.

The election is open to any member of the community who is at least 18 years of age on the date of the election and lives, works or owns property in the N.C. area in which he/ she wishes to vote. According to the election procedures approved by the City of Los Angeles, voters must verify their stakeholder status by providing acceptable documentation.

Every voter planning to vote in the election must bring with them to the polling location proof of stakeholder status, including driver’s license, utility bill, property tax statement, pay stub, business tax registration certificate or other documentation that proves they live, work or own property in the NCWP area. Those who do not provide this proof will be given a provisional ballot, which will not be counted until stakeholder status can be verified.