Meeting Date: February 4, 2025 6:30 pmComments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.
Meeting Place LAWA Police Headquarters 9160 South Loyola Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045
- Call to Order
- Salute the Flag
- Introductions
- Consent Calendar: (The following items will be treated as one item and enacted with one vote unless a Board member or a stakeholder requests that an item be placed on the Discussion Calendar.)
- Approval of Minutes from January 2025 Board Meeting
- Motion to approve that the NCWP send a letter to Councilwoman Traci Park requesting that she put forth a Motion to the City Council to request that Mayor Karen Bass make an immediate Executive order to make all fires, including warming fires, illegal in any area defined as sensitive areas, Very High Fire Severity Zones (VHFSZ), critical infrastructures and all 41:18 areas, with consequential enforcement and criminal charges for those having/setting fires in these areas.
- Motion to remove the Community Services Committee as a standing Committee.
- Motion to approve the removal of Brian Lockwood, Residential Seat 13 and the Community Services Committee per the BYLAWS of The Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa, page 7 & 8: Section 9: Removal – A Board Member may be removed for any of the following reasons: E. Three (3) unexcused absences from duly-noticed Board meetings shall result in automatic removal.
- Motion to accept the resignation of Denny Schneider, Residential District 12 Director. I would like to thank Denny for taking two years to help create our NCWP Board, and his additional twenty four (24) years service to community through his work for the NCWP, public safety in regards to LAWA, his unwavering belief in the stakeholders and working together for a better community. I know I can always count on you to fight the good fight and be a partner we can believe in. Thank you again Denny.
- Motion to accept the resignation of Alan Quon, Service Club and Fraternal Organization Director. I would like to thank Alan for his fourteen (14) years service to community through his work for the NCWP and the LAX Kiwanis. We don’t say goodbye to Alan, but see you later, who knows we may see him back in a few years. Thank you again Alan.
- Motion to approve appointment of Sarah Howard, Residential District 12 Director. Sarah is running unopposed in the March NCWP elections. An early appointment is in the best interest of the Board and Stakeholders.
- Motion to approve appointment of Jessica Lesley, Service Club and Fraternal Organization Director. Jessica is running unopposed in the March NCWP elections. An early appointment is in the best interest of the Board and Stakeholders.
- Motion to approve the sponsorship request from LAX Coastal Education Foundation to take place on March 8, 2025 at 7:30am-11am located at LMU for Backstage ($1000) or Fanclub ($500) sponsor level.
- Motion to approve NPG request from World Harvest Food Bank (WHFB) in the amount of $3,000, with total amount requested from all NCs in the city being $65,000.00.
- Motion to approve NPG request from Westside Pacific Villages in the amount of $1,500 for funds to help service seniors needing assistance in the Westchester/Playa area, more specifically to offset the cost of 2 special deliveries to clients who are aging in place. This service is for aging residents of the westside, with approximately 60% of clients in the Westchester, Playa del Rey and Playa Vista area.
- Motion to approve letter asking for the immediate removal of non-native and invasive foliage in the Ballona Wetlands.
- Announcements from Governmental Representative (limit to 3 minutes please)
- Announcements from Board Members
- President Gerez is working on an update to the Neighborhood Council’s resident boundaries district 13, district 15 and split district 14 into two separate districts. District residency shall be determined by street address with boundaries. Goal is to have this for the Board to review and approve at the July 2025 Board meeting.
- Asking David Voss to complete the new BYLAW verbiage to make sure that if a holiday (i.e. July 4th) falls on a regular Board meeting date, a Special Meeting can be held to conduct Board business and the NCWP doesn’t have to wait for the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Goal to have this for the Board to review and approve at the July 2025 Board meeting.
- Asking Steve Donell to take our Board approved changes and complete the application for the September 2025 Board Meeting for approval and final submission to DONE.
- President Gerez will schedule a Board Training Session. Possible dates are March 22, March 23 March 29, March 30, April 5 or April 6, please let me know your availability. Time to be 12:00pm – 3:00pm and local meeting location TBD.
- Call to Order
- Introductions
- Public Comment – non-agenda items
- Neighborhood Council Governance
- Presentations by Committees
- Open discussion re NCWP
- Announcements
- Adjourn
- President Gerez is asking again for volunteers for Westside Regional Alliance of Councils Committees:
- WRAC Mobility and Transportation Committee
- WRAC Land Use & Planning Committee
- WRAC Homelessness Committee
- WRAC Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee (PSEPC): Inactive; chair position vacant
- President Gerez is working on an update to the Neighborhood Council’s resident boundaries district 13, district 15 and split district 14 into two separate districts. District residency shall be determined by street address with boundaries. Goal is to have this for the Board to review and approve at the July 2025 Board meeting.
- Presentations
- Discussion Calendar and related Public comment
- I am open to a special meeting ASAP to better prepare, but we need to do better as a Board, and that starts will me. On January 17, 2025, the NCWP approved a community impact statement that (1) creates an airport exemption zone, (2) caps the number of units within a particular zip code and (3) implements a “Distance Rule” to prohibit clustering within a zip code. Discussion on creating this CIS, who should write it. I have included a suggested CIS for your input. What committee is doing the work for this? Do we need an Ad Hoc – Committee on the Executive Directive 1 Possible Impact to Downtown Westchester and surrounding areas? Should it live in Government Affairs, PLUC or new Ad Hoc? Discussion and possible motion to find a solution for this gap in coverage, whatever that may look like. Additionally, President Gerez received approximately 10+ emails asking for help from the community with regards to the ED1, CPU and Homelessness, several emails attached. How can we do more, help more, if it’s another ad – hoc or committee, who will step up? A committee needs to do the work, we can’t do the work at the Board Meeting, thats for approving and editing. Can we have a motion to get the ball rolling on these items that are time sensitive and then address non time sensitive items through a committee?
- Discussion on creating a virtual component to the NCWP Meetings and the budget ask of $2,248 to purchase. Possible motion to approve the purchase of the Meeting Owl 4+ & Expansion Mic. Expand the audio range of the Meeting Owl 4+ by bundling it with our Expansion Mic for a combined range of 26 feet (8 meters). Seamlessly collaborate with the Meeting Owl 4+, our 4K 360° camera, microphone, and speaker device that focuses on the speaker. Our Expansion Mic ensures quieter voices can always be heard.
- Public Comment – non-agenda items (limited to 1 minute per speaker unless otherwise declared by the President or presiding director. Public comment on agendized items will be called as each agenda item is brought forward.)
- Committee Reports
- Adjourn
Next Meeting:
Next Meeting Highlights:
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