Board Meeting

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Board Meeting

July 2 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for the next meeting of the Neighborhood Council Westchester / Playa on Tuesday, July 2, 6:30pm at the Westchester Municipal Building, 7166 Manchester Ave.


Brad Zacuto, Head of School for Westside Neighborhood School: Relocation plans for the WNS DK-8 grade school campus from 5400-5401 S. Beethoven Avenue to an existing building located at 5340 S. Alla Road, approximately 750 feet west of the WNS Early Childhood Center (“ECC”). WNS has operated in the area for almost 20 years and the relocation will allow the school to consolidate DK – 8 grade educational and administrative space into one building on at the new site.

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