Over 175 people packed out the Neighborhood Council Westchester Playa Community Plan Update Ad Hoc Committee  meeting on August 28 with another 100 plus people outside wanting to participate. The community is passionate about the plan being proposed by City Planning and the potential negative impacts to single family homes as a way of life in Westchester/Playa.

The meeting including the City’s presentation and alternate presentations by various community groups. Among the issues of concern are the problems created by allowing three to five story apartment buildings next door to single family homes. Residents also point out that the Planning Department’s proposal exceeds the required density from Sacramento. Residents are calling for the Los Angeles City Council to push back against Sacramento’s requirements.

Further, the plans seem to be focused on increasing housing units without regard to maintaining or increasing affordable housing or section 8 housing.

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The NCWP expects to hold additional meetings on this topic so that those people who were not able to be in the room would be able to also present their opinions.

Three of the alternative presentations seemed to be close enough that those groups might be able to work together to reach a unified alternative. Stay tuned for our next meeting on the topic. Sign up for our email newsletter to be notified about the next meeting.
