Elections 2023

Make a Difference for Your Neighborhood! Run for a Board seat by January 10, 5pm.

NCWP will hold elections on March 26, 2023 for half our Board Seats, which is 16 seats.

Candidate Filing Period Opens November 26

Ready to Run?

Create an Account and File Candidacy

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Run for a Board Seat!

The Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (NCWP) is one of Los Angeles’ 99 Neighborhood Councils, the grassroots arm of city government. Our board is comprised of 31 Director seats representing stakeholders that include residents, businesses, and other community organizations. Board members are elected by stakeholders and serve as volunteers. This voting cycle half of our seats are up for election.

The NCWP is an official advisory body to Los Angeles City government whose mission is to increase civic engagement and make the city more responsive to local needs. We monitor the city budget, the delivery of city services, and generally, act as a liaison between the community and city elected officials and departments. Attend some of our board and committee meetings to learn more about issues we are tackling.

Issues that we actively weigh in on include:

  • Proposed Developments
  • LAX Northside Development Project
  • Community Plan
  • Safe Parking at the Westchester Recreation Center
  • Support for our Schools

Find out what it means to be a candidate:

Election Timeline

thumbnail of 2023_NCWP_Election_Timeline

2023-01-04T17:39:24-08:00November 17th, 2022|